I’m very excited to announce the immediate availability of the version 6 of the Mercure Internet Draft as well as of the version 0.10 of the reference implementation! Mercure is a real-time protocol built on top of Server-sent Events and leveraging HTTP/2+. It allows to push messages to JavaScript webapps, mobile apps or IoT devices…
Category: Symfony
Vulcain: HTTP/2 Server Push and the rise of client-driven REST APIs
Watch a longer video (English)!Watch a French version. Over the years, several formats have been created to fix performance bottlenecks of web APIs: the n+1 problem, over fetching, under fetching… The current hipster solution for these problems is to replace the conceptual model of HTTP (resource-oriented), by the one of GraphQL. It’s a smart network…
Mercure – Real-Time for PHP Made Easy (Forum PHP)
Yesterday at Forum PHP 2019 I presented how easy it is to create real-time apps using PHP (among other languages) and the Mercure protocol. I also introduced the shiny and new Mercure website (designed by Laury S.)! A special thanks to Eric Comellas who jumped on stage to explain how iGraal uses Mercure on a…