By default, all data exposed by the Sylius API and all APIs using API Platform are formatted using JSON-LD, “JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data”. This is no accident! Understanding and using JSON-LD can dramatically improve your offers’ reach and enhance the customer experience. In this talk, we will see how the RDF data model,…
Building Decentralized Web Apps with Solid and PHP
At SymfonyLive Paris, I introduced a new PHP library to build Solid applications: Solid Client PHP. In this presentation, I present the Solid protocol and how it could give back the control of their personal data to end-users. View the recording (slides in English, talk in French). This presentation is about decentralized web applications, but…
API Platform: A Framework for API-driven Projects (DevTalks Bucharest)
Here the slide deck I presented during DevTalks Bucharest 2018. It covers the main features of the API Platform framework: we will install the framework, design an API data model as a set of tiny plain old PHP classes and learn how to get: A fully featured dev environment with Symfony Flex and React containers,…
API Platform 2.1: when Symfony meets ReactJS (Symfony Live)
Slides and videos of my talk during the Symfony Live Paris 2017. Rate this talk on! API Platform 2.1: when Symfony meets ReactJS (Symfony Live 2017) from Learn how to use API Platform and Symfony to create super easily rich web and mobile applications relying on React (JS) for their presentational layer. In…
Creating hypermedia APIs in a few minutes using the API Platform framework (APIDays)
My talk at APIDays: API Platform is new open source PHP framework dedicated to the creation of modern web APIs. It allows to bootstrap a fully featured API (pagination, validation, filtering, sorting, automatically generated documentation, HTTP cache, OAuth and JWT auth…) in just a few minutes. It exposes out of the box popular API formats…
API Platform 1.0 released! Version 2.0 announced.
Spread the word: after months of development the first stable version of the API Platform framework has finally been released! API Platform is a next-generation PHP web framework designed to create API-first projects easily but without compromise in the field of extensibility and flexibility: Use our awesome code generator to bootstrap a fully-functional data model from vocabularies with…
Vidéo : construire des applications API-centric avec API Platform et Symfony
Voici la vidéo de la présentation que j’ai donné lors du Symfony Live 2015 à propos de API Platform, une solution pour construire des applications web modernes reposant sur une API REST hypermedia et auto-découvrable.
Introducing API Platform (beta): the next generation PHP web framework
Update: API Platform now has a dedicated website with an up to date version of the following tutorial. PHP celebrates its 20 years this week. In 20 years, the web changed dramatically and is now evolving faster than ever: Now that they are indexed by Google and thanks to awesome frontend technologies such as AngularJS or React, full-Javascript webapps are becoming the standard. Since 2014…
Symfony Live 2015 : à la découverte de API Platform (vidéo et slides)
Voici l’enregistrement de ma conférence au Symfony Live de Paris ainsi que les slides correspondantes. La conférence traite développement d’API hypermerdia. Les liens vers les différents outils présentés : API Platform PHP Schema (utilisable seul) DunglasJsonLdApiBundle (utilisable avec n’importe quelle application Symfony) Les slides en plein écran.
Symfony Live 2015 : Construire des applications API-centric avec Symfony
Je donnerai une conférence de 40 minutes au Symfony Live 2015 qui se déroulera le 9 avril à la Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris. J’y parlerai de la conception et du développement d’applications construites autour d’une API REST : Au cours de ce talk, je présenterai une architecture moderne qui permet de construire des applications performantes,…