Antoine Bluchet and I have just released the new major version of API Platform during the opening keynote of the API Platform Conference! As usual, API Platform 3 can be downloaded directly from our GitHub page. This version comes with many major features that are being presented at the conference. Say hello to API Platform…
Preventing CORS Preflight Requests Using Content Negotiation
In modern web applications, it’s a common pattern to serve the web API and the frontend app from different subdomains: your web API, usually serving JSON documents your web application, usually built in JavaScript, generating HTML documents from the raw JSON data retrieved from the API This was the pattern implemented by API…
Edge Side APIs
Here is the slide deck I used for my talk “Edge Side APIs” at ForumPHP 2021. I introduced a new architecture for web APIs derived from REST and inspired by Jamstack: ESA.
API Platform: A Framework for API-driven Projects (DevTalks Bucharest)
Here the slide deck I presented during DevTalks Bucharest 2018. It covers the main features of the API Platform framework: we will install the framework, design an API data model as a set of tiny plain old PHP classes and learn how to get: A fully featured dev environment with Symfony Flex and React containers,…
API Platform and Symfony: a Framework for API-driven Projects (SymfonyCon)
Here are the slides of my talk during the Symfony Con Cluj. You can rate this talk on API Platform and Symfony: a Framework for API-driven Projects from Install API Platform. Design the API data model as a set of tiny plain old PHP classes. Instantly get: Fully featured dev environment with Symfony…
API Platform 2.1 Feature Walkthrough: Create Blazing Fast Hypermedia APIs, Generate JS Apps
Update September 18: API Platform 2.1 has now been released. This blog post has been updated according to the syntax used in the stable version. Finally, after more than 1 year of dev and 3 months of beta, @ApiPlatform 2.1 is out 🍾🎆🙌. A big THANKS to all contributors! #API #PHP #React — Kévin Dunglas…
Creating hypermedia APIs in a few minutes using the API Platform framework (APIDays)
My talk at APIDays: API Platform is new open source PHP framework dedicated to the creation of modern web APIs. It allows to bootstrap a fully featured API (pagination, validation, filtering, sorting, automatically generated documentation, HTTP cache, OAuth and JWT auth…) in just a few minutes. It exposes out of the box popular API formats…
API Platform 2.0 released: creating powerful web APIs has never been so easy
After 1 year of development and more than 700 commits authored by a hundred contributors across the world, the new major release of API Platform is immediately available for download. API Platform is a PHP 7 framework dedicated to the creation of modern and powerful web APIs. It is especially adapted to build API-centric information systems relying on hypermedia, Linked Data; and…
Creating a hypermedia API in 5 minutes with API Platform (Take Off Conf)
This morning I was speaking about the API Platform framework at the Take Off Conf in my hometown of Lille. Take a look at my slides, and learn how to create a fully featured hypermedia API in a few minutes!
Vidéo : construire des applications API-centric avec API Platform et Symfony
Voici la vidéo de la présentation que j’ai donné lors du Symfony Live 2015 à propos de API Platform, une solution pour construire des applications web modernes reposant sur une API REST hypermedia et auto-découvrable.