Introduction For 32 years now, the venerable HTTP protocol has been at the heart of the Web. This protocol enables “resources” (anything that can be named can be a resource, but these are often documents) to be retrieved from a server using their unique identifier: their URL. Since 1991, the Web has exploded in popularity,…
Author: Kévin Dunglas
Webperf: Boost Your PHP Apps With 103 Early Hints
Google Chrome, Firefox, Caddy, and Apache now support a new HTTP status code: 103 Early Hints. Since version 6.3, Symfony also supports 103 responses, and FrankenPHP also supports it natively. This new, rather unusual type of response has a single objective: to speed up the loading time of your websites and applications by allowing the…
The PHP Revolution Is Underway: FrankenPHP 1.0 Beta
I’m very proud to announce the immediate availability of FrankenPHP 1.0 beta. FrankenPHP is a brand-new application server for PHP, written in Go and built on top of Caddy, that dramatically simplifies the deployment of PHP apps, and brings new features to PHP such as: FrankenPHP is available as a Docker image (Debian, Alpine, PHP…