PHP doesn’t support explicit type definition. This is annoying, especially when doing meta programming. Various libraries including but not limited to Doctrine ORM and the Symfony Validator provide their own type managing system. Another common way to describe type(s) of a property is integrated documentation aka PHPDoc. The PHP Property Info library extracts various information including…
Tag: PHP
Slides à propos des Linked Data et des API REST Hypermedia avec Symfony
Hier j’ai présenté certains de mes travaux autour des Linked Data et de Symfony au sfPot de Lille. Voici la présentation que j’ai projetée : voir les slides en plein écran.
Generate a Symfony password hash from the command line
There is an easy way to generate a Symfony compliant password hash from the command line. Assuming you’re using the bcrypt algorithm (the preferred choice according to Symfony’s security best practices), the default cost (13) and you have PHP >= 5.5 installed, just run the following command: php -r “echo password_hash(‘ThePassword’, PASSWORD_BCRYPT, [‘cost’ => 13]) . PHP_EOL;” It will…