What to do when the debugger has a bug? That’s the question I had to answer when my GitHub notifications went haywire because a new version of Xdebug was crashing FrankenPHP and therefore all the projects that use it. Together, we’ll retrace the epic story of this debugging debugger and discover a method that can…
API Platform for Laravel
API Platform 4 was released today during the API Platform conference. It now officially supports Laravel! Let’s get started: Check out our brand new “getting started” guide for Laravel.
Containerization Tips and Tricks for PHP apps
API Platform was one of the first PHP frameworks to provide native support for Docker, Docker Compose, Kubernetes, and, more recently, Skaffold. The API Platform skeleton also served as the basis for Symfony Docker, the most popular solution for containerizing Symfony projects. These years of developing skeletons compatible with dev environments, continuous integration chains, and…