Voici la vidéo de la présentation que j’ai donné lors du Symfony Live 2015 à propos de API Platform, une solution pour construire des applications web modernes reposant sur une API REST hypermedia et auto-découvrable.
Author: Kévin Dunglas
Introducing API Platform (beta): the next generation PHP web framework
Update: API Platform now has a dedicated website with an up to date version of the following tutorial. PHP celebrates its 20 years this week. In 20 years, the web changed dramatically and is now evolving faster than ever: Now that they are indexed by Google and thanks to awesome frontend technologies such as AngularJS or React, full-Javascript webapps are becoming the standard. Since 2014…
Using PSR-7 in Symfony
PSR-7, the last PHP Standard Recommendation, was adopted by the PHP Framework Interoperability Group on May 19. That PSR defines PHP interfaces representing HTTP messages: request and response (client and server side), uploaded file, URI, streams, PHP superglobals and CGI bindings. The adoption of PSR-7 was a long road well told by Mathew Weier O’Phinney (the main author of the…