I’ve released a new PHP library allowing to retrieve the number of shares of URLs on popular social networks. It currently supports Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus / Plus One, Pinterest, LinkedIn and Scoop.it!. This library is also able to generate sharing links for these networks.
The main advantages of this library over traditional JavaScript share buttons are:
- Speed: counts are retrieved server-side and can be cached through a lot of backends including Memcache, MongoDB and Redis; no JavaScript SDK loading; no HTTP request from your visitor’s browser to social networks
- Privacy: therefore, no data from your visitors is send to social networks, their privacy is respected
- Customization: there is no need to use official social networks buttons, you can create beautiful custom buttons displaying the number of shares
This library is installable with Composer, is fully tested with phpSpec, gets a platinum medal on the SensioLabs Insight monitoring system and is compatible with HHVM.
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