I’m pleased to announce the release of DunglasTodoMVCBundle 1.1.0.
DunglasTodoMVCBundle is an implementation of TodoMVC, the popular site providing the same todo app implemented in a ton of different JavaScript frameworks.
This bundle provides a REST / JSON API built with Symfony and Doctrine, and an API client built with Chaplin.js and Backbone.js.
In this new release:
- All dependencies including but not limited to Symfony, FOSRestBundle, JMSSerializerBundle, Backbone.js and Chaplin.js have been upgraded to their latest stable version
- The code of the project has been updated accordingly
- CSRF protection has been added through DunglasAngularCsrfBundle (yes, it works fine with Backbone and jQuery too)
- The configuration of FOSRestBundle is now handled automatically by the bundle
- Bower is used as JavaScript library manager
- The bundle gets the platinum medal on SensioLabs Insight