Panther: test your Symfony apps with real web browsers from From a few lines of jQuery to modern React/Vue… PWA, Symfony apps always contain JavaScript code. Unfortunately, the SF functional test helper and the Goutte web scrapping lib aren’t able to execute JS code. It means that they cannot assert on client-side generated HTML,…
Tag: Symfony
Upcoming conferences and workshops
I’ll speak at several conferences until the end of 2018. The topics will be varied: Panther, modern JavaScript, HTTP/2 and a brand new project to be announced (teasing: it’s written in Go, and it will be very helpful for serverless architectures!). See you at: Symfony Live London (September, 27th): Building API-driven apps with API Platform…
Introducing Symfony Panther: a Browser Testing and Web Scraping Library for PHP
Today, an introduction blog post to Panther was published on the Symfony blog! Panther is a new browser testing and web scraping library I contributed to the Symfony project, In the blog post, I showcase how to use Symfony, API Platform and VueJS together to create a small but modern app, and how to test…