I’m pleased to announce the release of DunglasTodoMVCBundle 1.1.0. DunglasTodoMVCBundle is an implementation of TodoMVC, the popular site providing the same todo app implemented in a ton of different JavaScript frameworks. This bundle provides a REST / JSON API built with Symfony and Doctrine, and an API client built with Chaplin.js and Backbone.js. In this new release:…
Tag: Symfony
DunglasAngularCsrfBundle: protect your Symfony / AngularJS apps against CSRF attacks
I create and I see more and more web applications sharing the same powerful architecture: Server-side, a REST API built with the popular Symfony framework and its ecosystem (especially FOSRestBundle, JMSSerializerBundle and sometimes BazingaHateoasBundle for hypermedia APIs). Client-side, a SPA built with Google’s AngularJS consuming the REST API provided by the server with Restangular or a similar library. These components share the same philosophy (built…
Making the Sonata Project better
As a freelancer and with my company, Les-Tilleuls.coop, I built many applications relying on Sonata bundles for Symfony. I especially recommend the Admin generator and the Media manager. As these components help me to build apps with ease and speed, it’s a fair reward to contribute back to them when I can. In addition to being the…