I’m very pleased to announce the immediate availability of the Mercure.rocks hub version 0.14. Mercure is a free and open-source solution for real-time communication. With Mercure, securely push data to all your connected users with a simple POST request. No third-party library or SDK is required: the browser (or any other type of client) receives…
Category: Mercure
Introducing Edge Side APIs (#APIPlatformCon Keynote)
Here are the slides I presented during my keynote at the API Platform Conference. I introduced a new API architecture inspired by Jamstack: Edge Side APIs (ESA). My colleague Antoine Bluchet gave another talk giving more details about how API Platform started implementing ESA: The talks have been recorded. They will be published in the…
The Mercure.rocks Hub is now based on Caddy Web Server
I’m very happy to announce the immediate availability of the Mercure.rocks Hub version 0.11! The Mercure.rocks Hub is a free software implementing the Mercure specification, an open protocol for fast, reliable and battery-efficient in-browser real-time communications. Version 0.11 is a major milestone for the project! As you may know, the Mercure.rocks Hub is written in…