On many website you can see a awesome link preview effect using a thumbnail of the page. There is some web services such as Websnapr or Thumbalizr providing an API to make your own webpages screenshots but it can be annoying to rely on third party projects: free accounts can only display a small among…
Author: Kévin Dunglas
The last update of Aptana blocks Django development server
The last update of Aptana Studio come with a new built-in Jetty-based HTTP server running on port 8000… the same as Django development server. There is no good way to disable the preview server feature of the popular editor, but our favorite web framework can be launched on another port. Just type python manage.py runserver…
Ravalement de façade
Comme vous pouvez le voir, j’ai légerement remanié l’apparence de mon blog. Il utilise désormais un thème très sobre à trois colonnes permettant de mieux structurer l’information et fait la part belle à Twitter que j’utilise de plus en plus assidument.