Gandi m’a gentiment fourni une invitation à la bêta de leur service d’hébergement. Je compte y passer ce blog et voir comment se comportent les frameworks Symfony et Django sur ces serveurs virtualisés et scalable. J’ai donc pris une part (6€ HT/mois) afin d’y installer un serveur web composé d’Apache, de PHP, de MySQL et…
Tag: MySQL 0.2 released is a web server account manager for Debian GNU/Linux and derivatives, such as Ubuntu Linux I am maintaining. I am proud to announce that the version 0.2 is out ! now supports MySQL accounts and databases management and his core is modular. The documentation as been rewrited and detailled. needs contributors. Testers… Debian/Ubuntu webserver administration tool allows to easily create and manage accounts on shared servers running Debian GNU/Linux (and derivatives, such as Ubuntu Linux). It includes support for Apache virtual hosts, UNIX accounts, MySQL databases and privileges. is a command line tool wrote in Python by Kévin Dunglas. Philosophy The philosophy behind this tools is “keep it simple”….