Here is the slide deck I used for my talk “Edge Side APIs” at ForumPHP 2021. I introduced a new architecture for web APIs derived from REST and inspired by Jamstack: ESA.
Category: PHP
Installing a LaTeX environment on a Mac
Installing LaTeX on Mac is straightforward. Install Homebrew if not already done, then run: brew install –cask mactex That’s all! If you need a good editor, I recommend the LaTeX Workshop extension for VS Code (brew install –cask visual-studio-code or brew install –cask vscodium). Alternatively, try VimTex for Neovim (brew install neovim).
Introducing Edge Side APIs (#APIPlatformCon Keynote)
Here are the slides I presented during my keynote at the API Platform Conference. I introduced a new API architecture inspired by Jamstack: Edge Side APIs (ESA). My colleague Antoine Bluchet gave another talk giving more details about how API Platform started implementing ESA: The talks have been recorded. They will be published in the…